Try this simple (no juicer required) green juice recipe, giving you an extra dose of greens + help boost your energy!


What you need:

*Wash all your fruits and vegetables first.

1 large cucumber (roughly chopped)

8-10 stalks of celery (roughly chopped)

2 green apples (remove core & roughly chop)

½ cup of water

1 juice of a lemon

1 cup Ice

2 cups of Spinach or Kale

Additions: mint, parsley, ginger, pineapple or kiwi


***Add all ingredients into blender. Blend on high (liquify)
until well mixed. If you enjoy a more “pulp” like drink, pour in
glass and enjoy.  If you want more of a “juice”  thinner like
consistency, pour mixture through a fine mesh sieve.