As summer break comes to a close, and a new school year starts, we wanted to help prepare for the “regular routine”.  Here are a few helpful tips:

Sleep Schedules

Sleep schedules is usually the first thing to get ditched as we switch into summer holiday mode. Kids are staying up much later and as a result waking up later, but it is important to get the kids back on a good sleeping schedule in time for school. Tip: Try increasing their bedtime by 15min every night until you reach your desired bedtime.

Limit Screen time

Back to school is the perfect opportunity to get back on schedule with limiting technology for your kids. It will also help them function better through-out the day at school. Tip: Try turning off tablets and phones 1 hour before bedtime.

Choose the right Backpack

The best part about back to school shopping is helping your kids pick out their backpack for the year but choosing the wrong backpack could lead to your child having muscle/joint pain and in some situation’s headaches. Tip: Find a backpack that is not too big for your child. Ensure the backpack is sturdy, but lightweight and comes with a wide padded back and shoulder straps.

Travelling To and From School

Travelling to and from school can be quite scary for little ones. Even if your child has been to school before, a refresher is always a good idea. Tip: Review the route your child will take to and from school and practice safety measures for cross walks and traffic signs.


Back to school is a great time to have the conversation with your child about healthy eating. Tip: Take your child with you to the grocery store and have them pick out healthy snacks and lunches. This involves them in having a say in what they eat and starts the conversation on what a healthy well balanced diet entail.

First Day Jitters

It’s common for children to get nervous about the first day of school. They are going to     have a new teacher, new classroom, and a few new faces when they head back to school, so having an open conversation and creating excitement around the first day of school can really help your child feel confident. Tip: Remind them that they are not alone. A lot of other kids are probably feeling the same way. Also, take them for a tour of their school park and surrounding area so they feel more familiar and excited.