While it’s important to show your support for the 2SLGBTQ+ community during Pride Month, it’s also equally important to be an ally all year round.

What does it mean to be a 2SLBTQ+ ally?

Supporting, accepting, and advocating for the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Confronting challenges that 2SLGBTQ+ people face, whether it be:

  • Heterosexism: assuming everyone is or should be straight
  • Biprejudice: harmful, preconceived ideas about bisexual people
  • Transprejudice: harmful, preconceived ideas about transgender people
  • Heterosexual Privilege: Everyday privileges straight people have (example: the ability to display attraction/affection freely in public)


Here are some helpful tips on being a 2SLGBTQ+ ally:

Be Aware Of Your Privilege

If you have experienced race, class, education, or sexual orientation privilege, it can be easy to brush off issues related to these concepts since they don’t affect you.

However, understanding personal privilege is important when helping those in marginalized/oppressed communities. While everyone experiences struggles at some point in life, it’s key to differentiate and react when creating equality for all.

Do not use privilege to assume sexual orientation or gender. Coming from a primarily straight community/upbringing does not mean everyone is straight. Not making these types of assumptions help create a safe space for the 2SLGBTQ+ community to be their true selves.

If you have any prejudice and unconscious bias, confront it. Being an ally means there are times where you may be wrong, and will work on it.


Language Matters: Share your Pronouns

Pronouns create inclusive spaces where others feel comfortable sharing their pronouns.

When unsure of someone’s pronouns, ask them respectfully, and/or use gender inclusive language.

For example:

  • Use a first and last name instead of the traditional gender titles (Mr., Mrs.)
  • Use they/theirs instead of he/his, she/hers, his/hers
  • Instead of saying this is my wife/husband or boyfriend/girlfriend, use partner/spouse

Stay Informed and Listen

Be informed on the issues the 2SLGBTQ+ community face. If unsure of a 2SLGBTQ+ topic in conversation, ask questions.

Listen to personal stories, learn 2SLGBTQ+ history, and visit 2SLGBTQ+ friendly spaces regularly like https://egale.ca/

Be open and honest to those around you identifying as 2SLGBTQ+ because it will help you learn more about the community.

Support and participate in 2SLGBTQ+ activities

Attending Pride Month events is a BIG start for supporting the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

Check out a full list of Pride Month events HERE!

In the workplace, promote and participate in 2SLGBTQ+ company events. Join an employee diversity committee, as you will gain valuable 2SLGBTQ+ information and experience.

When hosting events/parties etc, bring your straight and 2SLGBTQ+ friends and family together.

Speak Up

Hurtful words are never acceptable, including in the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

If you or someone around you experiences discrimination or exclusionary behaviour, SPEAK UP! By speaking up, you are creating change for those around you, and standing in support and solidarity of the 2SLGBTQ+ community.

SPEAK UP when you hear/see:

  • Demeaning jokes
  • Offensive or stereotypical remarks
  • Comments or expressions that create an exclusionary environment
  • Content in documents, or work emails that is can be more inclusive for the 2SLBTQ+ community

Don’t think of the word “ally” as a label, think of it as taking action

To be an ally, you have to put in the work. It is important to stay consistent in supporting the 2SLBGTQ+ community.

Let your friends, family, and co-workers know that if they experience any discrimination, they have a safe space with you to confide in.

If someone has outed a 2SLGBTQ+ member (where their sexual orientation or identity becomes exposed without knowledge or consent) show them support, acceptance, and respect, as it can help the healing process and build a stronger relationship.


In the event that you mess up in conversation,  breathe, apologize, and ask for guidance:

One example includes: “I’m sorry, that wasn’t the word I meant to use. I’m trying to be a better ally and learn the right terminology, but I’m still working on it. If you hear me misuse something, I’d really appreciate if you could let me know.”

Likely, the person you are talking to will know that this process of unlearning is new, and will appreciate your honesty and effort!

Filed under: 2slgbtq, allyship, Pride Month, pride2022