Helllo my hikers and rangers! I am just back from a dog walk, where I encountered a wild-eyed young man and HIS dog, who cautioned me (the man, not the dog) NOT to go to the park. “Not at all?” I asked, concerned, as I sometimes am, that there might be marauders. “No”, said the young man, out of breath. “There are park police there giving out tickets to everyone. One started asking me my name and I just ran”, he said, gesturing at his dog, as if seeking its agreement. The dog just stared at me, but I believed them both.


I don’t know exactly what is happening in our parks. Officially, the green spaces are open, but the amenities are closed. This means playing fields, playgrounds, parking lots, and yes, off-leash dog areas. This can be confusing. On Friday, Ronan was at High Park, walking the dog (just Duey – Asta gets dropped off early because the old girl can’t go as fast or as far) off leash in the woods, when he was stopped by a park warden, who threatened him with a $880 fine. In his defence, Ronan didn’t know about the COVID park directive, but ignorance is apparently no excuse. He got off with a warning. Here’s a picture he took of Duey just before they were apprehended:


Enjoy this moment, Duey. It’s about to end.


On Sunday, John went for a walk in the park, WITHOUT A DOG. This is itself is objectionable, because in a  house with 2 dogs, you really shouldn’t leave home without one. But he needed the exercise, and was hiking along a trail when he too was stopped by a park warden and threatened with a fine. Turns out some of trails that lead to some the areas are off limits to man and beast. They are supposedly marked with yellow caution tape and such, but the tape has either been blown away or torn down, so it can be confusing. High Park is a maze of labyrinthine trails; it’s part of its charm, but good luck trying to cordon it off. The officer asked John his name and address, and asked for ID.  I would like to tell you that he replied John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, but he didn’t. The officer checked the info off, and again, let him off with a warning. Had it been me, I would have probably argued with the guy, been fined $5000, or ended up in jail with a cellmate named Sally “The Chin” Watkins.


All to say these are dangerous and confusing times. We are told to stay in, but also to get outside, to go to the park but risk a fine, to maintain social distance but only with people who are not from your household whom you are not supposed to be seeing anyway. Our motto should be “when in doubt, don’t go out”, but that will become more and more of a challenge as the quarantine continues and the weather turns fine.


I am loving your craft and hobby ideas. Keep them coming. I will post more tomorrow. In the mean time, Sally The Chin is teaching me to make toilet wine.


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