This week until Sunday – Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is holding its 3rd annual Capes for Kids fundraising campaign to support kids with disabilities and their families.

Fundraisers wear superhero capes everywhere they go as a way to celebrate hitting their fundraising goals. The capes also function as a visual cue to help spark conversation around childhood disability and inclusion.

This Saturday – they will be at the Eaton Centre by the GAP from by 9:30am to 9:30pm. Stop by, say ‘hi’ and take a picture at their superhero-themed photo booth. Your photo will be e-mailed to you and if shared on social media using #capesforkids, you’ll be entered into a draw.

SANDRA HAWKEN – President and CEO, Holland Bloorview Foundation, ZION – 7 year old participant & MARLAINA – Zion’s mom stopped by to talk with Darren & Mo.

For more information, go to

Filed under: #ICYMI #DARREN&MO