Congratulations to our winner Caterina Meli!

She has won $1000 towards her post-secondary school funds from the Ted Rogers Scholarship Fund program! .

Caterina will be attending McMaster University this September for Psychology Neuroscience and Behaviour.

Along with her studies, Caterina has done many different volunteering activities such as feeding the homeless, mentoring programs, school events and tutoring all during her high school years.

She was presented with a Leadership + Drama award upon graduating High School.

While accomplishing all of these achievements, she was also able to maintain her grades ultimately receiving honour roll!

Her mother nominated Caterina for this win and this is what she had to say about her amazing daughter!


“My daughter Caterina will be attending McMaster University in the Fall. Throughout all her years of education Caterina has epitomized what it truly means to be a leader in her community. In elementary school she was always volunteering with school events and coaching younger teams. In high school she has been a lead role in her student council; volunteering for school activities such as charity car washes, and outreach opportunities to feed the homeless. She has been a part of a ‘big sibling’ program, in which she has mentored and tutored grade 9 students. She is a active member of ‘Safe at Gonzaga’, an anti-bullying program at her school. She has received leadership awards in grade 9, 10 and 11 for her committed and idolizing attributes. Caterina would be an amazing candidate for this scholarship.”


Congratulations again Caterina!

The 98.1 CHFI team wishes you luck as you start your post-secondary journey!