Let’s be real, Oscar Isaac’s face makes us emotional at all times (such beauty!) so it really wasn’t fair of the creator of This Is Us to put him in their new movie, Life Itself. That professional tearjerking jerk!

The trailer for Life Itself—featuring precious Isaac and Olivia Wilde as a way-too-happy-so-they-must-be-doomed young couple—has just been released, and TBH, we can barely type through the tears. Nothing empirically sad even happens in the trailer (although much tragedy and tribulation is hinted at through shots of Isaac with dark shades, a scraggly beard and a coffee cup that doesn’t seem to contain coffee), but it’s almost like your body wants to pre-cry in anticipation for the buckets of ugly tears you’ll shed when in this film is out in theatres on Sept. 21. (Yes, that coincides with the Sept. 25 return of This Is Us, so start hydrating now).

Much in the vein of the hit TV show, this film, written and directed by This Is Us’s Dan Fogelman appears to follow at least two storylines and plenty-o-flashbacks. The official Amazon Studios synopsis calls it an “intergenerational saga,” and describes the plot as following the love story of two young New Yorkers as they go from college romance to marriage and their first child. While that sounds like a pretty average rom com, “the unexpected twists of their journey create reverberations that echo over continents and through lifetimes.”


They go on to say that some of the action happens in Carmona, Spain, and based on the trailer, we’re thinking maybe that has something to do with Isaac’s characters’ parents, and this very foreshadow-y line he delivers: “It’s so strange how a completely random moment that happened before I was born could shape my entire life.”

Yes, there’s some high-level terrible no-one-talks-like-that-in-real-life-ever-and-it-would-be-weird-if-they-did dialogue, but we know we’re powerless to resist it. Especially when it’s Isaac delivering it. Wilde’s character basically summed it up when she says, “I may not be equipped to be loved this much,” because, honestly, we may not be built to *feel* this much.

Side note: The very emotionally manipulating song playing in the trailer is “Little Giant” by Roo Panes. And yes, we’ll be playing it on repeat until September.


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Filed under: this-is-us