Let’s hope so. It seems that no matter what the penalty is, people just don’t care, until it’s too late, and that HAS to change! The province is asking to change the penalties, with careless drivers in Ontario being fined up to $50,000,  for careless driving causing death or bodily harm, as well as a licence suspension of up to five years, and up to two years of jail time and six demerit points.

As well, the fines for distracted driving would increase from a maximum of $1,000 to up to $2,000 on a second conviction and up to $3,000 for third or subsequent incidents, as well as six demerit points for multiple offences. Offenders would also see their licence suspended for three days on a first offence, seven days after two convictions, and 30 days for third and further convictions.

I say bring it on. #Itcanwait #puthtephonedownanddrive The full details on the proposed changes, here.

Filed under: change, distracted, driving, laws, Ontario