There is a whole bunch of reasons to have a hard time with Donald Trump’s politics, but this morning may have just been the tipping point. President Trump hopped on his ol’ faithful Twitter account to announce that there will be no admission to the military for transgender applicants.






In a series of 3 tweets Trump shared the decision that due to “cost burdens”, trans folk will not be accepted into the military.

Feeling mad? You’re not the only one.







The backlash has been steady all morning as celebrities and artists tweeted their outrage at Trump’s decisions..




GLAAD CEO called out the U.S President, saying that his motives are pretty much crystal clear:

 “Today further exposed President Trump’s overall goal to erase LGBTQ Americans from this nation. Trump has never been a friend to LGBTQ Americans, and this action couldn’t make that any more clear.” 


Even former VP Joe Biden weighed in on Trump’s announcement..


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Filed under: Donald Trump, transgender-ban, us-president