
Was it black & blue or gold & white?  There is a new picture floating around that will test your patience and your will…

Take a look at that cover. Can you see it?

A comic book series called “Chrononauts” came out this week . . . it’s by the guy who made the comics behind those “Kick-Ass” movies.  And there’s a drawing of a cracked watch on the cover.

It looks normal to most of us, but around one in 15 people don’t just see a broken watch . . . they also see a GREEN HOURGLASS on a purple background.


The only way you’ll see it is if you have a rare form of colour blindness where the part of your brain that processes vision is wired to see extra colors the rest of us can’t.

It almost always occurs in people who are right-brain dominant, which includes people who are super-creative, like musicians and artists.  Obviously they put it on the comic on purpose, to get attention for the comic.